Home > Friend and Family Zone
Friend and Family Zone
Family and friends can call you for FREE from USA, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and UK
Family and friends can call you for FREE from USA, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and UK. Share your +44 number with your family and friends along with the following two step process:
- Dial the local toll-free number:
- US & Canada: 1-866-305-6462
- Australia: 1-800-261-038
- France: 0805-101-177
- Germany: 0800-000-6485
- United Kingdom: 0800-376-5637
- Enter the +44 global number when prompted.
- If the phone is off, busy or outside of coverage, the call will be directed to voicemail.
Please note you will be charged at the normal call rate and a surcharge of USD$0.25 per minute to receive a call.